Sunday, August 20, 2006
Off to Work I Go....

Miss Mia having fun on my couch!! What a great girl!!

Well, tomorrow is the big day! I can honestly say, I am not very nervous. I have been through many more trying things and this just doesn't stack up to those things. I am excited though. The idea of being able to go to work tomorrow and make good money for my family and also to get great benefits makes me happy. It also makes me happy to know that I am doing this to save money for Mei Mei. Of course, I will miss Parker. I missed him the two days that I took him to preschool last week. However, I saw how much he liked it and how much fun he had an it made it all the easier on me!! He is such a great kid and he has so much to learn and I know he will learn it at his preschool! It will be nice to be around adults for awhile during the day though!!

Friday, I hosted our Mommies Who Lunch group lunch at my house. We missed two of our members but we had a great time nevertheless. I have to tell you, this is a great group of women and you would never have guessed we hadn't been friends for years. We can all just sit around for hours about anything and everything! We do this monthly but I am throwing a suggestion out there that maybe somewhere in the next few months we do a Mommies Night Out or something like that. This is a fun group of ladies and I know we would have fun! I will miss them for our lunches but hopefully, I will be able to lunch with them again in October!

On the adoption front, we are sure to get our certified documents back this week and then I will turn them around and send them to be authenticated. I will get our family pictures together and then hopefully, it won't take much longer to get our 171 approval. We are at about a month now. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Hopefully, it will cool off soon here as well. It is just awful here! I am soooo looking forward to fall! I hope everybody has a great week and wish me luck tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Well, less than a week until I go back to work. I am trying to get a lot done in this time while trying to make the most of my time with Parker. I do get a little nostalgic when I think that I won't be the person who will be putting him down for naps during the day. Then I remember that many kids his age don't even take naps anymore. I have to admit that the time for this is perfect. Parker really does need to be around other kids on a daily basis and he also needs to be in a preschool setting. His mind is like a sponge and everyday he amazes me with something new. Today we ran up to Petsmart and he went up to the area where they have the cats for adoptiong. He waved at each cat and kissed the front of their glass/plastic cages. He is so adorable and never ceases to amaze me.

I have made a huge step forward in our adoption journery. Everything is out being certified right now, Passports are being renewed and we are just waiting for everything to come back to us so I can send it to be authenticated. Now hopefully, we won't have to wait forever for 171 to come back. I am really keeping my fingers crossed for a LID no later than mid-October. Then we will name our daughter and I can start buying some clothes. I don't want to buy anything until the LID and it is tough. There is some super cute stuff out there and the sales are great right now. To all my ladies who are LID, run don't walk to the super cute sales at Nordstroms! They have so many cute girly stuff on sale now. Perfect for the summer here which lasts 8 months!

I am looking forward to my ladies who lunch date on Friday. I am so happy to be hosting this one as it will probably be my last least for a few months until I get settled, then I will be joining you guys again on my lunch hour! This is such a great group of ladies and it is nice to get together with them.

That is all for now...I have a plumber coming to replace my kitchen sink, fawcet, garbage disposal, and piping. Don't you love how a little leak becomes so big?? Oh well, it will be so nice to have a nice sink!

Monday, August 07, 2006
Fingerprinting Done!!!!
Colorado Rain Shower!! Don't you miss cool weather and rain??
We finally received our fingerprint letter on Thursday. I guess I shouldn't say finally, it was fairly quick from what I have been told. We sent our I600A form off on 07/22/06 and we got our finger print letter on 08/03/06. So not too bad! I am so excited! We are in the process of certifing all of our documents so hopefully we can get everything ready to mail to GWCA when the 171 comes in. Keep your fingers crossed for a end of September beginning October LID!
School is finally back in session this week and I am thrilled. I always like things better when kids are in school. Maybe because it signal fall, cooler weather, football season and the best holidays . I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will at least be able to turn off our air conditioner by the end of October but you never know.
Other than that, my new healthy lifestyle of eating well and exercising is going great! I am tying up a bunch of loose ends before I go back to work and I am spending as much time with my kiddo as possible. I am so excited because I cleaned my closet better than I ever have in my life yesterday and got rid of almost all of my old work clothes. Many of them were not in great shape, out of style and just didn't the way they did before I was pregnant. So tomorrow, I have my wonderful babysitter coming over and I get to go shopping for a bunch of new work stuff. Wish me luck! I am hoping to get enough stuff to tide me over for awhile and then hopefully, I will lose more weight and be able to fit into the next smaller size!
Hope everybody is doing well!
