Thursday, May 04, 2006
Seriously, come on now...
This has just been one of those weeks where I feel like I have a lot to do but I am not getting anything done. Everything I seem to do lately, Parker undoes within five minutes. The house will be clean and five minutes later it looks like a tornado went through. Parker's newest adventure is play in the catfood. He likes to put the catfood in the water dish and then he gets a spoon and mixes it. The only way to stop him from doing this is to move the catfood off the floor. Needless to say our cat, Merlin, is less than thrilled by this idea. So it is a battle I face everyday.

What a fun game! Merlin and Mom love it!

Wow! Merlin loves to eat from a spoon!

Yes, I did just put the spoon in my mouth...I'm two come on!

Thankfully, he is napping today. He didn't yesterday and I am beginning to think we are on the verge of ending nap time, which, coincidentally, happens to be one of my favorite times during the day.

We heard from our social worker today. She wants to arrange our first catch though, we have to go to her office which in Fort Worth. Fort Worth is over an hour away from where we live. I have lived her almost my entire life and I think I have been to Fort Worth maybe 8 times. Nothing against it, it is just the opposite side of the earth. I have emailed her to see if we can meet in the middle somewhere. If she doesn't go for that then we have to postpone our first visit with her until the end of May after school is over. Matt is very busy right now with end of the school year stuff: prom, graduation, awards banquets. Once school is out, yes he still works he doesnt' get three months off-only a few weeks, than he is a little more flexible. So keep your fingers crossed. I really don't want to postpone anymore than we have to.

Other than that life is great. I have been thinking about going back to work more lately. I am really looking forward to it. I love being with Parker but he is at an age where he gets bored easily with me and I think he would flourish around other kids. Oh, it will be hard but I think it will be good for us. It won't happen until at least the end of July so we still have plenty of time together. Now I have to go clean my house for our out of town guest coming tomorrow. My mom has been great enough to watch him this afternoon so I can clean without any further cat food isses :)!


Blogger Erin said...

OK, that is too funny! Good luck with your social worker. Don't forget to play the "my hubby can't do this in Ft. Worth until the end of May" and the "my 2 year old doesn't travel well" cards. It just might work! :-) Hugs!

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