Thursday, May 11, 2006
Yes, I am finally posting again!!!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Last Thursday night, both Matt and I came down with this haneous flu bug. We thought it was food poisioning but soon found out it was not. I was luckiest out of everybody as mine pretty much resolved itself by late Friday. However, I think I maybe forced it to resolve as we had Parker's Godfather coming in town that day from Denmark...and of course, Matt was sicker than I was (which is always the case :))! So my Mom, who is a Saint, came over and helped me all weekend with Parker and entertaining Torben while my husband laid in bed and moaned. Of course, no gastro bug would be complete without making its way through the whole family...Parker got it on Sunday and didn't fully recover until yesterday. We then got a call from our out of town visitor, who was also in town for work this week, that he too got the bug on Tuesday and had to spend the whole day in his hotel room. You gotta love the fact that he came all the way over from Denmark to get sick. However, everybody is better now...but something is going around so remember to wash your hands!

On the adoption front, we have our first meeting with our social worker a week from this Saturday. I am so excited! We should be able to schedule our other meetings with her when we meet with her. I would love to get all of this done and just be waiting on the government paperwork. Speaking of which, we went down to the police station to get our reports yesterday as well so that is done. The only thing left is to get our blood tests again...I gave our medical info sheet to our doctor to fill out but we will need blood tests again because the tests that we have will be more than nine months old when our paperwork is registered...and they need to be less than that by the time our paperwork is sent to China.

We are moving right along. School is coming to an end which means Matt is very busy. I have also started contacting some recruiters and looking at potential job listings. We are also looking forward to our summer vacation next month to Keystone, Colorado with our friends. We all need a nice long break.

Other than than Parker is growing like a weed and chatting up a storm. I am so proud of his speaking skills, they have come a long way. We back tracked a little with the eating because of this illness but I am getting right back on the wagon. Hope this posting finds everbody doing well!

Oh and for those of you who are fans of "The Office"...Jim finally told Pam he loved her! Yippee! That made my night! What a great episode!


Blogger Valerie said...


Thank you for your encouraging words, they are very much appreciated.

I am glad you are all feeling better.

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